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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Update on selling/buying

Wow, it is so much more difficult to get a loan than it was three years ago when I bought this house.  I can't believe all of the new rules and regulations! My goodness!  It doesn't surprise me now why houses are not selling.  It has proven to be a challenge, but it is one that I am ready to take on full charge like a bull and a red flag!! I have had to change course on the type of loan I get, and my switching of jobs has also been another bump in the road!  All of my paperwork has been sent in, and I am now playing the waiting game.  I will here from my loan officer tomorrow, or on Monday!  I am praying for the best!  She seems rather positive that it will all work out! Either way, God has a plan! He won't forsake me!  I may just have to be patient through this whole process.  I have heard it can be a long drawn out process at times with all of the new rules!  We will see what news I receive in the next day or so! Please join me in prayer for a smooth process!  Let the entire selling and buying process begin! The game is on! Ha! 

Caleb was so funny the other day.  I was delivering the joyful news of our home selling this past week, and Caleb was so excited!  He immediately began going around the house with a pad of sticky notes and pen labeling everything!  Our belongings were marked with sell at garage sale, or comes with us!  He even drew pictures of the new house on several different sticky notes!  He is very excited that his new house will still have a fire pit, and he is super thrilled to know he will have his own clubhouse!!  The clubhouse is a small wooden shed in the backyard that is used by the current owners to hold their lawn mower and a few yard tools.  This new house has a rather large garage with plenty of storage for my yard needs.  Let's be honest here, I don't have many yard tools, or tools in general! LOL! I am confident that I will have PLENTY of room for my so called tools! Anyways, I told the boys that we would turn the shed into their very own clubhouse.  He has all sorts of plans for it, and what he wants to put in there!  It will be fun to help him develop the clubhouse! 

In the future I hope to have lots of pictures with my blog!  I need to be better about taking them and posting them.  Would make it so much more fun to read!!  : ) 

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