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Monday, April 25, 2011

Today was a bittersweet day

As I went into school today, I knew it was going to be a bittersweet day.  I told my superintendent that I was offered the job, and that I had accepted the position.  I did ask him if I could have at least a week before I put my official letter of resignation in, which he agreed to!  I work for a wonderful superintendent who is a man of God!  He has been praying with me throughout this decision making process, and he even prayed with me in his office the day I told him!! I also informed my principal, my third grade team, and the entire staff of the elementary today!  I shocked quite a few people with my news, but they all wished me well!  It will be sad to leave my family at school, but it will be exciting to begin this new adventure that will stretch my faith.

Speaking of stretching my faith.... My realtor told me last Thursday that a couple had a lot of interest in my house, and were planning on writing up an offer on Monday.  However, I do not believe that offer is going to come!  I have to believe and have faith that God has the perfect family in mind to buy this house.  I must have faith that my house will sell!  I have to admit it is really scary to know that I am resigning my job, and knowing that I have accepted a job that CAN'T pay for my current house!  Talk about having faith!! 

If your reading this and following my journey of faith, please pray that my house will sell quickly! 

On a final note... I want to share a paragraph my dad had me read today from a book called Radical by David Platt.

In similar words Jesus said to his followers, "Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."  Jesus clearly acknowledged that following him involves risking the safety, security, and satisfaction we have found in this world.  But in the end, Jesus said, following Him leads to a radical reward that this world can never offer!!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog...I love you...I'm proud of you, my friend!!! :)
